MPS Reference in the Field of Gas Plants
- Engineering of a helium recycle gas compressor as a package unit from the system engineering & startup perspective, including interface coordination between the technical departments and the external partners involved. This task includes the transfer of the package unit PIDs of the subsupplier, the conversion of the PIDs according to the customer’s project requirements, taking into account the relevant interfaces and the implementation of the HAZOP.
Checking and approving the submitted project documents in Documentum completes this task. These are, inter alia, PIDs, functional descriptions, and „cause & effects“ documents.
- Processing of an operating manual for a LNG-Plant in Portovaya / Russia
- Preparation of a drying procedure for a LNG-Tank in Portovaya / Russia
- DCS FAT of a NGL / NRU & Helium Liquefaction Plant in Amursky / Russia
- Elaboration of a presentation for "Classroom Operator Training" in Portovaya / Russia
- Preparation of documents for pre-commissioning & Commissioning of a NGL/ NRU & Helium Liquefaction Plant in Amursky / Russia